Faggot Freak

Supermarket Faggot Freak

It was the middle of the week, and I needed to pop into the supermarket on my usual route home. As I walked, in my eye caught a guy that I had seen at the gym, he was standing in the grocery section over the root vegetables, I carried on with my shop and as I circled back to the checkouts 15 mins later, I noticed he was still in the same section, something seemed a little odd, but then so was this guy. I had seen this guy in the gym, he was one of those guys that had been in the background for several years, but had clearly not progressed at all, which made me wonder why he even came. He had never asked for help or support, never attended classes, and the more I thought about it, I had never actually seen him on any of the machines, my mind wondered.

Faggot Freak Strikes

I finished paying, and rather than walk out of the store, I decided to pop over to the guy, as I walked over, I noticed that he was hunched over the cucumber section, the closer I drew to him the more I became aware that he was touching the cucumbers, and then a flash of pink as he turned, I then realised and laughed. This scummy little cunt had been rubbing his cock with a cucumber, I was disgusted and grabbed his shoulder

“What the fuck are you doing fella, whats wrong with you? You trying to fuck that cucumber”

I laughed out as I said it, which caught the attention of another member of staff, who then walked over and looked at the guy,

“Ohh fuck, You at it again Steve?”

was his question, to which this guy, replied, no, he was obviously lying. I asked the attendant what he meant, and he explained that this guy was a regular, and had been caught doing this before, so I told the attendant, not to worry, it would be my pleasure to escort this scumbag out of the store today and make sure he didn’t come back.

Faggot Freak Escorted To Destiny

I grabbed his tiny arm still clutching the cucumber, not a word spoken, I started walking him out the door, as I got to the streets edge, I just carried on walking, taking him up the street and across the road to a park. The park was closed as it was now 9:15pm, but I pushed this boi through the partially open gates into a dark park clearing. In the park, I walked him across to a bench and told him to sit down, and once sat down, I asked him what was wrong with him,

“Why are you doing this shit? Are you fucking mental, touching veg that people are going to buy to your cock, who the fuck does that kind of thing? You freak!”

He sat looking sheepish and not saying much, the small amount he said was enough to tell me that he was a submissive little guy, clearly had issues with making friends or in fact acting appropriately in public spaces, so I reminded him that I had also seen him in the gym and all he could mutter was that he went to the gym to see the big guys, the muscles, it turned him on. That was the trigger for me, I realised that I had yet another faggot on my hands, and with my current collection, I knew that he might fit in well with the other fags. He was certainly going to be the freakiest of them all, but I decided I could work with him. I needed to test him,

“So you like guys, boi? You like muscles, you like watching big dominant guys take control? Ok get up and unzip..”

I looked over my shoulder checking that no one was around, and I took the cucumber out of his hand,

“Turn around cunt”

I grabbed its hair, it was now quivering, and I started to run the long cucumber up and down its back, from its neck down to its butt, it was still holding its pants up at this stage, so I told it to drop its pants totally , which it did with some hesitation. I then grabbed it in a rear choke hold and spoke into its ear,

“So you like guys boi, you know in my world they call guys like you faggots, are you a faggot boi? Is that what you are, you like getting fucked in the asspussy? Is that why you come to the gym, you hope one of the big lads will sort you out, well guess what, it might be your lucky day”

As I spoke, I forced it to bend over using my body weight, and simultaneously slid the cucumber tip between the fags cheeks and into the faggots pussy, and with it sliding in, the fag gave a long groan, a groan that gave away that this was not the first time this faggots hole had been pressed. I laughed as I leaned back and spat down in the dark onto the cucumber,

“You want to get fucked, don’t you faggot….”

I pushed that veg straight up inside that faggot’s cunt, and it let out the loudest fag yelp I have ever heard, along with the words,


Which was all I needed to want to destroy this faggot’s pussy, so I pressed it down fully and started to jack hammer its cunt with the cucumber, pumping so hard that its moist cunt turned the cucumber soggy in the first 30 thrusts in and out. In the end I pushed the soggy cucumber remains left in my hand, as far up the fag’s cunt as possible and pulled the fag up straight, turned it around and looked it dead in the eyes,

“This is what a fag gets when it behaves itself, so now you know, there will be no more fucking around with veg in public spaces, but you will be coming to me when you feel the urge to serve and be in the company of a Master, and I will charge you for the pleasure, and if you are a good boi, you might get more then a cucumber in your pussy…understand faggot? “

It nodded its agreement, and without asking it pulled its wallet out and handed me a wad of cash in the dark, and before I could count it, I watched it limp away thanking me… even stopping to look back at me, I took this to mean that it was now another faggot in my den of worshipping faggots.

As unusual as it sounds, I have learnt that sometimes, even an innocent trip to the supermarket can unveil a situation that will change your life, for me and for the faggot.

If I can make a perverted degenerate like Steve worship correctly, then I can certainly do you as well, so msg or call me, I will sort you faggots out!

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