How To Approach An Alpha Master For Faggot Training

Master Mikey Live On NiteFlirt

Training Faggots To Approach Alpha Masters

There is a right way and a wrong way to approach a Master like me, and below you will see the difference. Faggot training is not a one time event, its a lifetime of actions and submission and service. 

Things A Faggot Must Do When It Approaches:

  1. Tell me your name, age and profession. Your location and interests in serving are good too as I can use those to extract from you. I like to know what kind of beast I am hearing whining.
  2. Send a picture of your hole, yes your faggot hole, you dumb moron. I don't really care if I see your face in the picture, but if you put it in, it will give me something to laugh about.
  3. Send an appropriate tribute to show you want my attention, make it worth my while to respond to you fag boi !
  4. Be immediately obedient, because no one likes a dog that doesn't heel.
  5. Offer your services as a faggot early in the engagement , I may not be able to take up what you offer, but at least entice me, stupid faggot. Showcase all your talents to me, and again, make it worth my while to listen to your whining noise.
  6. Take whatever I say as gospel, because my word is the truth and the way. 

Things A Faggot Must NEVER Do When It Approaches:

  1. Never ever start a msg or convo with “bro” or "hey there" remember what you are, you’re a fag, and I am not your bro, little faggot! 
  2. Never pretend that you are something other than what you are, which is to say that I know you thirst after cock! you dirty faggot cunt, so don't try and pretend otherwise. 
  3. Do NOT Ask for a photo. If I don’t show myself, in my blog or otherwise, there is a reason for it you dumb cunt. So why would I change myself for you? Just remember, YOU are NOT special in any way faggot. 
  4. Do not sit around waiting for anything in return, because you will not get it ! I am not here for you, I am here for me. I am in demand, NOT you faggot cunt. 
  5. Do not ask for me to explain what I say, you are dumb for a reason, and you seek my power for a reason, I have the answers, and whether you can understand  or not, that is your issue, and I do not answer to you faggot. 

Never Forget Information

If I speak with you or msg you back, walk with your faggot head held high in the knowledge that you were blessed by me. You are a tool for my pleasure and that pleasure will only be mine when you submit to me. So clear your head, know your purpose and work to serve and submit to me, and me alone. Most of all, know that this is your chance to shine for me, so do it. If it is your time, then I may choose to train you faggot. 

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